Landscape Photography of Mountains Covered in Snow by eberhard grossgasteiger on
Green Ocean Water by FrdnDEV on
MacOS Wallpaper by on 4kwallpapers.
Icons from Font Awesome.
Icons by
Components from Aceternity by Manu Arora.
Icon Cloud by teaguestockwell on GitHub.
Modern Office by dylanheyes on Sketchfab.
Gaming Chair by snjvsngh_negi on Sketchfab.
MacBook Pro 2021 by KangaroOz-3D on Sketchfab.
Gaming Desk by draakon_4d on Sketchfab.
Designed using Adobe Photoshop.
Designed using Canva.
3D assets edited and created using Blender.
Interactive 3D designs created using Spline.